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Defensive Driving Courses

Every 13 minutes, someone dies in an auto accident. That’s an unsettling statistic and why OSC offers an Online Defensive Driving Course, a Classroom Defensive Driving Course, Alive @ 25 and an Employee Online Defensive Driving Course to help ensure Oklahomans get to where they’re going safe and alive.

Safety & Health Training

Workplace safety begins with a well-trained workforce. OSC offers a wide variety of workplace safety and health training courses. Our training is highly regarded by employers and industries. As an affiliate of the Mid-South OSHA Education Center and a chapter of the National Safety Council, OSC can offer on-site training that is taught by industry experts with real-world insight and extensive technical and OSHA knowledge.

Contractor Training

As a member of the Association of Reciprocal Safety Councils (ARSC), OSC provides contractors in the petrochemical industry with Basic Orientation Plus® (BOP), Basic Orientation Plus Refresher® (BOPR) and other site-specific computer-based training required by many refineries across the country. The current Basic Orientation Plus® and the Basic Orientation Plus-Refresher® curriculum includes a new bank of professionally designed and validated test questions. The programs are fast paced and informative for today’s audience.

COSS® Programs

The COSS® series of educational programs can train you in the essentials of safety and health, leadership, communication and regulatory requirements in a wide variety of work environments.

COSS® – Certified Occupational Safety Specialist

COSM™ – Certificate for Occupational Safety Managers

Safety Resources

OSC Membership

The Oklahoma Safety Council offers a single membership and benefit package in partnership with the National Safety Council.

Full Membership Details

Single membership means you will automatically become a member of both the Oklahoma Safety Council and the National Safety Council. As a member, you are aligned with the world’s leading safety and health resources. Member benefits have been designed to provide support, knowledge, resources, training, and expertise enabling you and your employees to work more efficiently. Membership offers practical solutions to the safety challenges you face every day. Valuable information, resources and programs can help you and your employees build and support effective safety initiatives on the job, on the road, and in your homes and communities.