10-Hour Outreach for Construction (2-Day Course)
Course Date:
Course Time:
Course Location:
Oklahoma Safety Council
This course will familiarize participants with OSHA construction standards and requirements. Topics covered are the OSHA Act & Standards, Competent Person requirements, Recordkeeping, Fall Protection, Scaffolds, Excavations, Personal Protective and Lifesaving Equipment, Materials Handling, Electrical, Common Construction Site Violations, and more.
This course is ideal for all construction trades, including workers, entry-level supervisors, and construction support staff.
OSHA 10-Hour cards will be sent to the worker, typically within 90 days.
2-day class
Members – $155
Non-Members – $225
*** Do you have a group of five or more students who need the OSHA 10-Hour course? Call our office at 405-848-8626 to schedule a course for your group.
Price Details
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Event FAQs
This course requires a miniumum of three students, in accordance with the OSHA Outreach Training Requirements.
If OSC cancels this course due to low enrollment, we will email the student by close of business the day before the course.
Please make certain your email address is entered accurately and check emails before traveling to our training center.
All cancellation or rescheduling for classes must be made by 2:00 PM on the business day PRIOR to the scheduled class. Full course fees will be assessed if registrant has not cancelled by the deadline. Anyone who may be late should call to notify the training center. Anyone arriving late – without notification – will be assessed the full class fee.
Students are responsible for maintaining their training records, incuding their OSHA cards. If you lose your card, you must pay for the replacement. A student who lost or damaged their student course completion card must contact the trainer that conducted their training to request a replacement card. The Outreach trainer cannot request replacement cards unless the following conditions are met:
a. Class completion date is within the last five years.
b. The student has not previously received a replacement card for the same class.
Students must provide:
a. The requesting student's full name,
b. Class end date, and
c. Type of class.
The OSHA Education Center generally sends cards to the trainer who issues the cards within 90 days. Cards are sent to the students via the address provided by the students in class.
Outreach courses are required to have a minimum of three students. OSHA Education Centers require this to ensure the courses are paticipatory.
The maximum class size is 40 students.
Yes. OSHA Education Centers require that the trainer verify the employees' identity prior to traing. A current, valid is required.