Advanced Fall Protection (2-Day Course) *Pre-Requisite Courses Required
Course Date:
March 5, 2025
May 14, 2025
August 27, 2025
November 12, 2025
Course Time:
8:30 am
8:30 am
8:30 am
8:30 am
Course Location:
Oklahoma Safety Council
The primary goal of this course is to broaden and round out a company’s designated competent person’s ability to identify fall hazards, assess risks, and develop effective counter measures to protect at risk workers. This course builds upon the Fall Protection for the At-Risk Worker and the Fall Protection Equipment Inspection courses.
- Recognize fall hazard deficiencies
- Recognize fall risks at worksite
- Basic fall protection systems and equipment
- Methods of use
- Proper anchoring and tie-off techniques
- Methods of inspection and record keeping
- Storage of the equipment
- Applicable regulations
- Rescue equipment and procedures
- Various fall protection systems
- Donning of the equipment
- Recognize and identify fall hazards at worksite
- Equipment installation techniques
- Proper anchoring and tie off techniques
- Risk assessment and hazard ranking
- Preparation, update, review and approval of Fall Protection and Prevention plans, and Rescue and Evacuation plans
- Applicable fall protection regulations
- Plan and specification review and approval
Students will need to bring their PFAS systems and bring work boots with a heel for the hands-on activities on the final day of class.
This two-day course completes the Fall Protection for the Competent Person Certificate offered by the Oklahoma Safety Council. This certification is designed to comply with the Army Corps of Engineers (EM385) requirements for the training requirements for a competent person. All three courses must be completed in the same calendar year to obtain the Fall Protection for the Competent Person Certificate.
OSHA defines a “competent person” as “one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them”
Keep in mind, no training courses can make you a competent person. Only your employer can designate you as a competent person and must ensure you have the knowledge, expertise, and authority to identify, predict and resolve fall protection hazards on your jobsite or in your workplace.
Member price: $250
Non-Member price: $375
**An OSHA “competent person” is defined as “one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them. This training provides the education necessary, however, your employer must designate you as a competent person.
***Pre-requisites: Fall Protection for the At-Risk Worker and Fall Protection Equipment Inspection.
Do you have a group of five or more students who need this course? Call our office to schedule a course for your group. (Note: All students in the group must meet the pre-requisite requirements.)
Price Details
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Event FAQs
This course is part of OSC's Fall Protection Triad.
Students must complete OSC's Fall Protection for the At-Risk Worker and the Fall Protection Equipment Inspection Course.
These classes are typically scheduled the same week for your convenience.
No. However, courses must be completed in the same calendar year in order to qualify for the Fall Protection for the Competent Person Certificate offered by the Oklahoma Safety Council.
No. An OSHA "competent person" is defined as "one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them. This training provides the education necessary, however, your employer must designate you as a competent person.
Yes. If you have PFAS equipment, they are useful in the Fall Protection Triad. Students may have the opportunity to train with our state-of-the-art fall protection training tower, and will have the opportunity to conduct inspections on PFAS equipment, including their own during the four days of training covered in the triad.
Additionally, workboots with a heel are required to access the tower. Bump caps with a chin strap, safety glasses, climbing gloves and any other required PPE will be provided.
Please note: Rings may not be worn while on the tower.
This course is not designed to be a train-the-trainer course. However, OSHA standards do not require a specific training course for those who teach fall protection to their workers. OSHA standards require employees to be trained by a competent person qualified in the areas designated in 29 CFR 1926.503(a)(2)(i-viii)
The full Fall Protection Triad of courses was designed to include all elements required by the Army Corps of Engineers training requirements for a competent person. Keep in mind, only the employer can designate someone as their competent person. (See FAQ on Competent Person)
All cancellation or rescheduling for classes must be made by 2:00 PM on the business day PRIOR to the scheduled class. Full course fees will be assessed if registrant has not cancelled by the deadline. Anyone who may be late should call to notify the training center. Anyone arriving late – without notification – will be assessed the full class fee.