2023 Conference | Sponsorships

Golf Sponsorships ($100-$500)

Corporate Golf Sponsorship is the most economical way to directly align your company with the Oklahoma Health and Safety Conference & Expo!

$500 | Corporate Sponsor

  • Includes a complimentary 2-person team 
  • Golf sponsor sign on putting green
  • Opportunity to pass out branded item at the putting green. Sponsor to provide volunteer(s). Includes table and 2 chairs
  • Premier logo recognition in the golf program
  • Recognition during the luncheon

$250 | Hole Sponsor

  • Includes sponsor sign at designated hole
  • Customize your sponsored hole and have fun! Do you have a branded item to pass out to the golfers to place in their golfer’s player bag? (Items like sports water bottles, golf tees, poker chips or more… Don’t have an item? We can help get your company item branded!)
  • Sponsor to provide volunteer at designated hole to pass out your company-branded item. Includes table with 2 chairs.
  • Logo recognition in the golf program
  • Recognition during the luncheon

$200 | Putting Green Sign

  • Golf sponsor sign on assigned putting green
  • Logo recognition in the golf program
  • Recognition during the luncheon

Sponsoring the “tournament contests” is a great way to associate your brand with fun and excitement! Plus, it effectively doubles your marketing spend, by giving you one-on-one customer interaction on the golf course, and a second exposure during the Wednesday Awards Banquet luncheon.

$350 | Closest to the Pin Sponsor

  • Hole sponsor sign at designated hole for the Closest to the Pin contest 
  • Sponsor provides the winning prize and awards the winner on center stage during the Wednesday Luncheon
  • Company sponsor listing on the day of the event program

$350 | Longest Drive Sponsor

  • Hole sponsor sign at designated hole for the Longest Drive contest 
  • Sponsor provides the winning prize and awards the winner on center stage during the Wednesday Luncheon
  • Company sponsor listing on the day of the event program

Be a Door Prize Sponsor

  • Please donate a prize of $100 value or more to contribute to the Golfer Door Prize drawing.
  • Your donation helps support the OSC Safety Scholarship.
  • As a non-profit, your donation is tax deductible. For tax purposes, the OSC Federal Tax ID # is 73-0678258. Please check with your tax advisor.

New ADD-ON FOR 2023! - Just $75!

Hole-Sponsor Add-on: Pin Flag ad ($75)

Hole sponsors can *double* their advertising effort by adding a custom pin flag to their sponsored hole. Now you can make a second impression on the putting green! (NOTE: Pin flags will be given to the advertising party, at the conclusion of the tournament.)